SELECT as id, p.fk_id_user, p.fk_category, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d.%m.%Y') as data, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_inizio, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_in, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_scadenza, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_out, p.data_inizio, p.data_scadenza, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_titolo,'en','it') as titolo, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_abstract,'en','it') as estratto, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_text,'en','it') as corpo, p.url_picture, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_mk,'en','it') as metakey, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_md,'en','it') as metadesc, c.cat_it as cat FROM ar_posts p INNER JOIN ar_posts_categorie c ON p.fk_category = WHERE p.published = 1 AND = 0000000611

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Interviewing Andrea Barrail

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Interviewing Andrea Barrail

Andrea Barrail

She was born in the US and spent her life in Paraguay surrounded by art thanks to her father. She studied Design in New Orleans, Jewelry Design in Barcelona, and Gemology in New York. In her works her Paraguayan heritage is blended with contemporary art. Everything is handmade in 18k gold to convey the sense of uniqueness her culture deserves.

- When did you start dedicating yourself to the world of contemporary jewelry?
In 2015
- What do you take inspiration from when you start creating a new collection?
my surroundings; my father is an artist so his work and his way of thinking inspire most of my desings. the base of all my collections is my paraguayan heritage and indigenous traditions but the contemporary look is all from growing up with an architect as a mentor. 
- What kind of work or material do you prefer?
i like to work with high end metals and stones like gold and precious gems, to give the piece a treasure-like essence and for it to last forever. also this way the buyer can feel like investing in jewelry art. 
- Three words with which you would describe the Artistar Jewels project.
personalized, diverse, educational.
- What do you think of the jewels that were on show this year? Have you been fascinated by any particular creation?
I was stunned by the variety, and creativity shown by all the artists. It would be hard to chose just one. 
- Would you recommend to other artists to take part in Artistar Jewels?
- What were the services / opportunities that most pushed you to participate in the event
The access to buyers/magazines, the book opportunity, the show during fashion week, the prizes and meeting other talented designers. 
Visit her creations at

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