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Interviewing Paulina Knapik

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Interviewing Paulina Knapik

Paulina Knapik
Paulina Knapik is a BA (Hons) in Silversmithing & Jewellery Design, a recent graduate of Glasgow School of Art. Her last collection is focused at interdisciplinarity of arts, it aims to translate paintings into wearables. It is inspired by the Art Nouveau and its aesthetics along with the influence of the Japanese Art, here represented by origami.
- What is the name of your brand and what's the meaning behind it?
Well, the name of my brand is just my name (Paulina Knapik Jewellery) but it is this way because I strongly identify with what I create and I want the customers to see the person behind the jewellery, I want them to know it was designed and handmade by me.
- Where do you take inspiration from when you start creating a new collection?
In my artistic practice, I am seeking a balance between artistic and practical jewellery. My last collection is focused on the interdisciplinarity of arts, it aims to translate paintings into wearables with the use of traditional jewellery techniques joined with innovative thinking. It is inspired by the Art Nouveau and its aesthetics putting the main focus on the Alphonse Mucha's series of paintings titled 'Precious Stones' but the research took me further to look closer at the influence of the Japanese Art, represented by origami. Other sources of my inspiration include music, urban geometry, nature, art, technology and the contrasts observed in the surrounding world. 
- What kind of work or material or technique do you prefer to use? 
 I work mainly with silver, gold and precious stones but I constantly seek something new, not limiting myself to these materials. As for the preferred techniques, I would call myself an experimentalist with love to traditional craftsmanship and an eye to details. I use casting, filigree, granulation and a variety of other old jewellery techniques, constantly checking and stretching their limits. Talking about the creative process, in some cases I surround myself with sketches, in others I need specific technical drawings with precise measurements and in others, I experiment with the material and let it take the lead. There is no rule and that I find the most beautiful.
- Three words with which you would describe the Artistar Jewels project.
 Exciting, glamorous, motivating
- Have you been fascinated by any particular creation you saw in the Artistar jewels 2019 edition? 
 I couldn't name just one... The exposition showed a great variety of the contemporary makers creating within so many different styles, using a full range of materials. I am glad I could add something to such an outstanding collection.
- What were the opportunities that most pushed you to participate in the event? 
 Well, there were many factors but I think networking, an exhibition, and the professional publication were the most important to me.
- What do you think about the upcoming Milano Jewelry Week? Do you think Milano needed it?
 I'm very curious to observe how it will develop.

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