"Templaris Compendium" il nuovo capolavoro della letteratura templare scritto da Melinda Miceli
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Nasce da una richiesta del Gran Maestro Corrado Armeri, il nuovo capolavoro della letteratura templare scritto dalla nota saggista e critico d’arte Melinda Miceli, Vicario internazionale dell’Ordine per la Cultura e l’Arte. Il testo fa chiarezza sulla storia dell’Ordine dalle origini a oggi in tutte le sue sfaccettature storiche, etiche, religiose, filosofiche, simboliche. ...leggi
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Il Museo Lavazza realizza la prima audioguida museale da Instagram
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Importante novità digitale che permette di vivere - anche a distanza - un’emozionante visita sensoriale di uno tra i più bei Musei d’Impresa italiani. Il Museo Lavazza, situato all’interno del complesso di Nuvola Lavazza a Torino, arricchisce la sua offerta culturale con nuovi servizi che ne permettono la visita anche a distanza ed esaltano la fruizione multimediale dell’esposizione. ...leggi
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Qeeboo collabora con la fashion photographer Elena Iv-skaya
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Sin dal 2016 il brand di Stefano Giovannoni è stato caratterizzata da uno stile unico ed immediatamente riconoscibile. A distanza di quattro anni dalla sua fondazione, dopo aver dato alla luce una serie di prodotti di successo grazie a collaborazioni con designers internazionali come Marcantonio, Studio Job, Marcel Wanders, Nika Zupanc, Front e Andrea Branzi, Qeeboo è ora matura per il suo prossimo passo di crescita. ...leggi
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Claim beauty
Inizio evento 01.11.2020 | Fine evento 31.12.2021
Claim beauty! (reclama bellezza!) è un progetto di comunicazione artistico-culturale, che utilizza i meccanismi del marketing per veicolare l’idea che la bellezza sia un elemento fondamentale del nostro equilibrio personale, e che costituisca un alimento fondamentale per la crescita individuale e sociale. ...leggi
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Lightscape collection, design attuale e rilettura della tradizione
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Luisa Longo presenta Lightscape, la collezione di arazzi e pannelli dipinti e ricamati su tessuto, realizzati a mano, opere che sposano in pieno la combinazione di design contemporaneo e artigianalità d’eccellenza, caratteristiche della fiera partenopea. Pattern astratti, colori fluo, tessuti trasparenti e impalpabili, sono gli arazzi contemporanei, che sovvertono le regole di un oggetto dalla storia millenaria. ...leggi
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LXIV Premio Cascella 2020: ecco i vincitori
Inizio evento 03.12.2020 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Anche quest'anno è tornato in forma di Arte Pubblica il Premio 'Basilio Cascella', dal 1955 uno dei Premi d'Arte tra i più prestigiosi d'Italia. Le opere sono state esposte in aree pubbliche all'interno del tessuto cittadino, portando direttamente l'esposizione artistica ai diretti fruitori. ...leggi
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Bayria Eyewear svela “To Lucio Fontana”
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Bayria Eyewear presenta “To Lucio Fontana” una special edition ispirata dal grande maestro italiano del ‘900. Occhiali total black dal forte impatto visivo. Un esemplare unico, una montatura completamente nera, realizzata in acetato nero lucido Osaka, posta in netto contrasto con lenti cosmetiche dai colori flash: arancio, verde lime e light blue. ...leggi
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Design ed emozione: gli innovativi oggetti d'arte creati da Carla Cecere
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Carla Cecere è un’artista e designer contemporanea dal sapore innovativo, che realizza complementi d’arredo al limite tra il design e l’arte contemporanea. Le creazioni firmate Carla Cecere, a cavallo tra la pittura e la scultura, sono pezzi unici capaci di trasmettere tutta l’esperienza che l’artista ha maturato nella sua carriera. ...leggi
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Artistar Jewels Winners
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
La prima edizione della Milano Jewelry Week, svoltasi dal 24 al 27 ottobre 2019, ha raccolto grande consenso da parte dei visitatori e di tutti gli attori coinvolti nella manifestazione, riconoscendo l’alto valore artistico e culturale che è stato donato alla città di Milano. Artistar Jewels 2019 Fall Edition è stato sicuramente il cuore della manifestazione, stupendo i visitatori di Palazzo Bovara con le oltre 500 creazioni in mostra. ...leggi
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Interviewing Paulina Knapik
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Paulina Knapik is a BA (Hons) in Silversmithing & Jewellery Design, a recent graduate of Glasgow School of Art. Her last collection is focused at interdisciplinarity of arts, it aims to translate paintings into wearables. It is inspired by the Art Nouveau and its aesthetics along with the influence of the Japanese Art, here represented by origami. ...leggi
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Interviewing Rohit Jain
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
The artists leads into a world of immense possibilities, where he constantly craves for a change. He lets his mind wander into uncharted territories, to explore, invent and to create beautiful and precious creations. He is a fifth generation jeweller and has extensive experience working with top retailers in India and Middle East. ...leggi
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Interviewing Tiziano Andorno
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Master of art, he graduated in gemology and in applied arts. Since 1983 he has participated in design, sculpture and engraving-chisel competitions. He then became interested in other materials and the use of new techniques. He also collaborated as artistic director for various companies and in 1991 founded Extreme Jewels. ...leggi
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Interviewing Maria Kerrn Jespersen
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Born 1963 in Copenhagen, Denmark, she settled in Stockholm, Sweden in 2004. She studied how to conserve paper at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine art in Copenhagen. In her creative work, Maria uses many different materials and work with different art forms. Scissors are her favourite tool, and all her pieces are cut with a scissor. ...leggi
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Interviewing Gry Grindbakken / Fili
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Master of filigree work, owner of the workshop Fili in Telemark, Norway, she had a traditional education with a master's apprenticeship and holds a bachelor's degree in folk art. She uses her traditional background to create new playful jewelry with old forms. From tradition to fashion. ...leggi
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Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She has been in love with jewelry making since childhood, but only in 2015 she took her passion to a professional level. She studied manufacture in Italy and jewellery & object design in Australia. Valeria’s work combines traditional techniques and 3D print, choosing to hand finish every piece to a unique one-off item. ...leggi
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Interviewing Angela Simone
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Born in Liguria, she moved to Milan in 1983, where she attended the graphic course at IED. She is still working in Milan as a graphic designer for ELLE Italia. Her paper jewels, created in 2003, have been internationally recognized, published by the main fashion magazines and presented in many exhibitions. ...leggi
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Interviewing Mar Ive
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
The artist is an industrial designer, visual artist and jeweller based in Guatemala. Inspired by architecture, art and sculpture, her work comes from the union of classical goldsmithing techniques with innovative contemporary materials to create jewels that end up being sculptures for the body. ...leggi
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Interviewing Laura Agnello Modica
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
My name is Laura Agnello Modica, I am 32 years old and I live in the province of Bergamo. Always attracted by the art world and - in particular - the sculpture, I attended the Liceo Artistico of Bergamo, Discipline Plastiche address, where I looked out for the first time in the world of Gioiello d'Autore, looking in particular to Alexander Calder. ...leggi
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Interviewing AMarin Jewelry
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She received a financial education but was always interested in art and design. "M1" is her first serious collection and the result of the first year of studying at the Jewelry design course in the “British Higher school of Art and Design” in Moscow, Russia. She found inspiration in screws, nuts and gears. ...leggi
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Interviewing Izabela Chan
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
The brand’s concept is a construct of two worlds: The wanderlust and adventurous spirit, inspired by hopscotching across the globe and the study of ethnography and the artistic expressions of humans across millennia. A modern approach to design; crafting wearable sculptures with passion, skill and the joy of creativity. ...leggi
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Interviewing Emma Villedrouin
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She grew up in Haiti, was educated in Boston, lived in France and Brazil, now lives in Tunisia and maintains her business in Washington. Through precious metal and vibrant stones, Emma’s jewellery explores the tension between roughness and sophistication, simplicity and opulence, irregularity and symmetry. ...leggi
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Interviewing Elisa Tabakman
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She is a plastic artist, anthropologist and editor. She took specialization courses in Argentina, Spain and Italy. Her work includes ceramics, glasses, and jewelry. She took part part in many exhibitions and has been awarded several times. Three of her works can be seen in the book cover of a distinguished Cuban writer. ...leggi
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Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
Lara Podvirsic was born in Ljubljana, SLO. In 2013 she opened her studio, where she explores metals and educates herself through the creation of jewelry. Her inspiration lies in the intertwinement of individual's consciousness and subconsciousness and the human attributes: mental, emotional, spiritual and social. ...leggi
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Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She approached contemporary jewelry a few years ago, driven by the need to create pieces capable of expressing her character and personality. The spring element of her creations is her stylistic code. Laura attended in-depth courses on techniques at the famous Alchimia School of Florence. ...leggi
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Interviewing Giale Mercolli
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She was born and raised in Switzerland, in Vezio, where her small workshop is located. There she creates jewelry on commission. She makes experiments, plays, works and cultivates her great passion. She graduated as a jewelry designer in Milan and then attended a fire enameling course. ...leggi
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Interviewing Anastasia Khazyrbekava
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She was born and raised in Belarus before moving to Israel, where she studied Jewelry design at “Shenkar". She has an undergraduate degree in culturology and arts, which are useful now as she explores her personal language through jewelry. When she works, she experiments and finds new ways to create. ...leggi
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Interviewing Simone Vera Bath
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She was born in Berlin. After studying art and sculpture she moved to Florence, where she studied goldsmith and design. Since 2015 her company seat has been in Rome. Her pieces are made with a special technique, which makes them look unfinished. A search to mediate the contrast between perfect form and imperfection. ...leggi
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Interviewing Malin Jansson
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She was educated in Norway, Australia and at HDK - School of Design and Crafts in Gothenburg, where she took her Master in Applied Art and Craft (ceramic art), in 2004. She lives in Malmö and has her own studio. She mainly works metal and resin, but also with her porcelain jewelry in Jingdezhen, once in a while. ...leggi
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Interviewing Touch by Olga
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
She is an artist who creates organic and modernistic design to lead a joyful and boundless life of ease. She experiments with minerals, amber, copper, felt, and enamel. Her artist statement is #dolcevitainevitable conveying that the companions of a free and happy life are not just glittery diamonds. ...leggi
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Interviewing Patricia Alvarez
Inizio evento 00.00.0000 | Fine evento 00.00.0000
I am an Argentinian artist living in Rosario. I´m studying jewelry from 2006. In my artistic work, there is nothing made locally. It is something universal, because it is inspired in materials, stories, nature, in life itself. The textile art, the photography, new materials and techniques also take part in my works. I am passionate about every new piece of knowledge I acquire. ...leggi
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