SELECT as id, p.fk_id_user, p.fk_category, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d.%m.%Y') as data, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_inizio, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_in, DATE_FORMAT(p.data_scadenza, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_out, p.data_inizio, p.data_scadenza, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_titolo,'en','it') as titolo, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_abstract,'en','it') as estratto, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_text,'en','it') as corpo, p.url_picture, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_mk,'en','it') as metakey, TXT_GET_MESSAGE(p.txt_md,'en','it') as metadesc, c.cat_it as cat FROM ar_posts p INNER JOIN ar_posts_categorie c ON p.fk_category = WHERE p.published = 1 ORDER BY id DESC

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January 2019, Vicenza Jewellery, Artistar Jewels 2019


December 2018, Elle Decor, Gioiello Contemporaneo


December 17th 2018, CNA FedermodaCNA Federmoda incontra Prodes Italia

December 16th 2018, Donna OggiIl mondo Acquatico di Peseli

December 15th 2018, GioiellisUn Cosmos in mare

December 12th 2018, Klimt02, Artistar Jewels in Milan

November 30th 2018, Jewelry Virtual Fair, Artistar Jewels 2019, beyond contemporaneity

November 26th 2018, Vicenza Jewellery, Preview – Artistar Jewels 2019, oltre la contemporaneità

November 2018, Accessory Vogue Vanity FairContemporary Jewelry Culture

October 11th 2018, Euro ExpoArtistar Jewels 2019

October 10th 2018, Roman JoyeroArtistar Jewels 2019, la joyería de siempre como nunca antes la has visto

October 2018, Jewellery MagazineArtistar Jewels 2019

Octobre 2018, Jewelry Garden, Artistar Jewels

September 2018, Vicenza JewelryArtistar Jewels 2019 Oltre il Contemporaneo

August 17th 2018, Il Denaro, “Artistar Jewels” 2019, via alla call internazionale per i talenti del gioiello d’autore

July 17th 2018, Kharm DesignArtistar Jewels 2019 il bando della 6 edizione

July 17th 2018, GIADesign Competition

July 16th 2018, Genova CreativaArtistar Jewels 2019

July 12th 2018, Call For ArtArtistar Jewels 2019 – JEWELRY COMPETITION

July 11th 2018, Attire MagazineThe new Artistar Jewels 2019 call is now open 

July 11th 2018, InfoDesigners.ue, Artistar Jewels 2019

July 10th 2018, BenchpegCall for Applications Artistar Jewels 2019

July 7th 2018, ArredativoArtistar Jewels 2019

July 4th 2018, Klimt02Artistar Jewels 2019

July 3rd 2018, Estet, Принимаются заявки на участие в международном конкурсе Artistar Jewels

July 1st 2018, NewslyArtistar Jewels 2019

July 1st 2018, Libero, Artistar jewels 2019

June 29th 2018, Io ArteCall For Entries Artistar Jewels 2018

June 29th 2018, Not Just a Label, Artistar Jewels 2019 Apply now

June 28th 2018, Jewelry Garden MagazineКонкурс ювелирного дизайна

June 28th 2018, CIJ InternationalThe new Artistar Jewels 2019 call is now open

June 27th 2018, Jewellery ReviewВ Италии стартовал международный конкурс Artistar Jewels

June 27th 2018, VO+Enzo Carbone: The Future Of Artistar Jewels

June 25th 2018, Donna Oggi, Aperto il bando di Artistar Jewels 2019

June 25th 2018, Daily CasesIl bando di Artistar Jewels 2019 è ufficialmente aperto

June 25th 2018Paperblog, Call For Entries Artistar Jewels 2019

June 24th 2018, Revista Atelierul, Apel de inscriere pentru Artistar Jewels 2019

June 24th 2018, Padania Expressè aperto il nuovo bando di Artistar Jewels 2019

June 22nd 2018, In Diesè aperto il nuovo bando di Artistar Jewels 2019

June 22nd 2018, Italia Dei Talenti, è aperto il nuovo bando di Artistar Jewels 2019

June 21st 2018, Impresa MiaAperto il nuovo bando dii Artistar Jewels 2019

June 21st 2018, LulopAperto il nuovo bando dii Artistar Jewels 2019

June 21st 2018, Pinosommaé aperto il nuovo bando 2019

June 21st 2018, Fashion Channel, Aperto il nuovo bando dii Artistar Jewels 2019

June 21st 2018, Speciale Italia del GustoCall for entries Artistar Jewels 2019




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