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Interviewing Bia Tambelli

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Interviewing Bia Tambelli

Bia Tambelli Creations
The story of this young jewel designer from Brazil starts with the passion for precious stones and art. Through their energy and strength, her creations educate the wearer those who wear them to dedication and empathy, all fundamental steps to an individual's spiritual growth.
- When did you start dedicating yourself to the world of contemporary jewelry?
My first experience in the world of contemporary jewelry was when, a few years ago, a Brazilian jewelry brand invited me to design a collection for them. It was my very first time - I had never in fact designed jewelry before! My university education is in the plastic arts and the owner of the brand had become aware of my work as an artist and had loved my production as an artist / creator, regardless of the fact that it had nothing to do with the world of jewelry. The result of all this? An unconditional love for the art of jewelry.
- What do you draw most inspiration from when you start creating a new collection?
My inspirations are people, or rather, what is in my power to do so that people can know themselves in an ever deeper way.This is exactly the mission of my jewels.
- What kind of work or material do you prefer?
I'm in love with the stones. My story begins just as a child, in Minas Gerais, I digged with my bare hands in the earth in search of what I considered "my treasures".
- What are your points of reference in the world of contemporary jewelry and art?
Although we have very different styles, my main point of reference is Fernando Jorge, not simply for his extraordinary talent, but also and above all for his personality. In the art world instead Gustav Klimt has always been one of my favorite painters!
- Three words with which you would describe the Artistar Jewels project.
Innovative, accessible (in the sense of being able to "welcome" any type of accessory-jewel without distinction of materials or other) and elegant.
- What do you think of the jewels that were on show this year? Have you been fascinated by any particular creation?
I loved all the jewels on display, but if I have to say which ones have attracted my attention I would say those of the group of Russian designers; decidedly talented and culturally stimulating women.
- How would you define the atmosphere created on the 22nd and 23rd February nights of Artistar Jewels 2018?
Unfortunately I could only attend the evening of February 22nd and it was wonderful! Everything was as I expected: the fact that we were designers ourselves, just there, to get to know each other more intimately. In particular, I have greatly sympathized with Russian designers and with other Brazilians like me.
- Would you recommend to other artists to take part in Artistar Jewels?
I have already reported Artistar to some students of the IED of San Paolo (Brazil).
- What were the services / opportunities that most pushed you to participate in the event?
Opportunities to participate in upcoming events and to tighten up any commercial partnerships.
Visit her amazing website !

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